Last week I sent her an email, letting her know about my intent to have gastric bypass, and that I'd need to free up some cash for the payment.
Not 20 minutes ago, she walked into my shop, greeted me, and proceeded to say " I just got your email about the weight loss surgery! I'm sorry I haven't responded, but it just seems so drastic!" She is a thin, athletic, and pretty woman. She looked at me with concern. "Do you know anyone who's had it?...." I answered her questions as best I could - mentioning that 2 people in my life have had it and it's saved their lives, even though they gained some of the weight back.
UGGGGH I don't know if I'm more angry that she felt the need to make any comment at all, well-intention or no---- OR if I'm angry that she sensed that it was my mom's idea originally ---- OR if the fact that she got a visit from my dad this morning and she's acting as his mouth piece. I wouldn't be surprised if he was more comfortable talking about this with her than with me.
I'm also upset that she felt it necessary to come speak to me about this highly personal decision. please don't judge me. This is hard enough.
update: looking back on this months later, I can sort of see that she wanted to be supportive of me. which doesn't necessarily mean supportive of WLS. She's always been in my corner, and I shouldn't have been so quick to react defensively. In the end she helped me free up the money once I explained that WLS was definitely happening. It's "Get on board or get off now."
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